315 North 3rd St.
Decatur, Indiana – 260-724-3502
From The Pastor
Ecclesiastes 3: 11-15 (God) He has made everything suitable for its time; moreover, he has put a sense of past and future into their minds, yet they cannot find out what God has done from the beginning to the end. 12 I know that there is nothing better for them than to be happy and enjoy themselves as long as they live; 13 moreover, it is God’s gift that all should eat and drink and take pleasure in all their toil. 14 I know that whatever God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it nor anything taken from it; God has done this so that all should stand in awe before him. 15 That which is already has been, that which is to be already is, and God seeks out what has gone by.
When I think of September, I think about time, not sure if it is because September was the start of things: school, rituals, getting back to “normal” whatever that might be. We are creatures of habit, and we love a good schedule of events, and we read about that in the verses that precede the verses I have selected. A time for everything under the sun. Take a moment and get a box of crayons our open the box and stick your nose in taking a big inhale…. Now what comes to mind, Kindergarten, Elementary school, Sunday school, or just good times of staying in or out of the lines?
The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we live. So, in this month of transition from the Summer fun to the Autum business let us take time to enjoy whatever comes our way, know that God would want it that way.
Peace and Love
Allen R. Kahler, Pastor