315 North 3rd St.
Decatur, Indiana – 260-724-3502
We continue to support the efforts of the Operation Help Food Bank with monthly donations of food and nonperishable items. The products for September will be soup and stew. Please place donations in the bins located in the west vestibule and in the dining room.
The Stewardship Committee will meet after worship today to begin work on the 2025 Annual Budget. Please meet in the lounge at 11:15 a.m.
With college students heading back to school in the coming weeks, Christian Education Committee will once again be sending out the College Boxes. The first box will go out October 13th. Please get names and addresses to Janet Smith as soon as possible. This is open to any college student within our church family.
Confirmation classes begin today for four of our young people and their shepherds. Classes will meet at 11:30 a.m. Please keep these young students, their parents, and shepherds in your prayers during this time of instruction.
The Lunch Bunch will gather for lunch at Richard’s on Wednesday, September 18th at 11:30 a.m. Please see Karen Heller or Russ Augsburger if you plan to attend. Everyone is invited for a time of food and fellowship.
There will be a special congregational meeting after worhsip on Sunday, September 29 to discuss needed repairs to our building, particularly issiues with the foundation, drainage, and tuckpointing of the bricks. Please plan to attend.
Those interested in further discussion of our current worship series, “Reshaped, What We’re Made For,” are encouraged to meet in the lounge on Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.